Day care worker in Florida fired after writing on child's body

Day care worker in Florida fired after writing message on child's body
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A day care worker in Florida has been dismissed after a mother discovered a message written on her son's body asking for more diapers.

On Facebook, Heather Chisum posted pictures showing his son's ink-stained body with a message written by a Florida day care worker saying:  "Mom, I'm out of diapers. (Please) read my report."


Chisum said a worker at the Children's Education Center of the Islands in Sanibel wrote the message after she forgot to check the day care's daily report. She narrated: "Immediately I was upset. I didn't know what to do. I called family. I said, 'Is this something I should be upset about? Am I overreacting?' They told me I wasn't."

She argued that she sees several teachers at drop-off and pickup every day, and that any of them could have just told her she needed to replenish her son's diaper supply. She claimed that it was the second time that a day care worker wrote a message on her son's body.

The Facebook post has been shared almost 30,000 times with hundreds of comments from furious parents. She said: "It wasn't right, what happened. And it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thought that."


The Children's Education Center of the Islands executive director has released a statement saying the teacher has been fired following the incident. In the statement, the director said: "We are aware of the incident at the school, and we are terribly sorry for the distress it has caused the family involved as well as all of our families. It was a breach of our professional ethics on the part of the teacher."

It added: "The school has taken immediate action to remove the teacher from the school. We are reviewing protocols already in place to ensure that nothing like this occurs again. We are proud of our school, love our students, and are eager to make our school a better place as we move forward."