Study: Drinking coffee linked to having stronger bones

drinking coffee stronger bones
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Drinking coffee could possibly help people develop stronger, higher density bones, according to a new study by the Cleveland Clinic.

The study “Serum Metabolome of Coffee Consumption and its Association with Bone Mineral Density: The Hong Kong Osteoporosis Study” reveals that coffee could be beneficial for our bones.


After examining 564 people, the researchers found that people with consistent coffee consumption had a higher bone mineral density (BMD), a measurement of the strength of one's bones, compared to non-coffee drinkers.

“Habitual coffee intake was positively and significantly associated with bone mineral density at the lumbar spine and femoral neck,” the study states.

“Three metabolites, in particular, were associated with an increase in bone density in the population, and also, a decrease in the risk of fracture,” said Chad Deal, M.D., of the Cleveland Clinic.


Experts explain that while excessive intake of coffee can produce negative consequences, several studies have proven that coffee is not a direct cause of serious diseases, such as cancer and heart disease.

“Many studies have failed to identify serious medical risks associated with coffee drinking,” according to Harvard Health Publishing.

The university stresses that the effect of caffeine consumption on calcium excretion is too small to be associated with the risk of osteoporosis. The university also emphasizes that drinking coffee can help reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes, gout, and liver disease.


Other benefits of coffee

Drinking coffee, according to a study from the University of California Irvine, could make people live longer than those who abstained. Consuming only two glasses of wine or beer per day could lessen chances of premature death by 18 percent.

Meanwhile, a study published in Neuropsychology, affirms that coffee consumption can make one feel productive and less tired. “The results showed that caffeinated coffee had a beneficial effect on alertness and improved performance on a variety of tasks in both day and night sessions,” the study states.

The US Food and Drug Administration advises the public to consume only 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day.