Best Arm Workouts for Women

Obtaining strong arms and well-defined muscles can seem like a challenging task, but you can easily do it without problems at home and only require 15 minutes

You can use a set of dumbbells or resistance bands to work your shoulders, triceps, and biceps at home just as well as if you were going to a gym.


Here you have a list of the best arm workouts that you can do at home, let’s check them out!

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This exercise is a three-step one and is very easy and simple, all that it requires is a pair of dumbbells. The first step is to hold the dumbbells in both hands and use an overhand grip. 

Plant both of your feet on the floor at hip-width. Start by gently raising the dumbbells to the height of your shoulder and directly in front of your chest.


The second step is to extend the elbows while pressing the dumbbells above the head, ensure your arms are on the same level as your ears. 

The third and final step consists of bending your elbows once your arms are fully extended. Bend them so that you lower the dumbbells back at chest level. 

This is only one rep, and you can repeat it as much as you can, but it is recommended to do it for 40 secs with a break after.


Resistance Band Shoulder Press

Just like the previous exercise, this is easily done in three steps. Start out by standing in the center of your resistance band with hip-width matching your feet. Hold the other end of your band with your hands with an overhand grip.

Raise the end of the band gently to shoulder level. Extend the elbows while pressing both ends of your band above the head while making sure the arms are at the same level as your ears. 

When your arms are extended to the fullest, continue by bending your elbows and return them to starting position. This is one rep. 

You can repeat this exercise for 40 seconds to ensure maximum efficiency or more, depending on how easy they are for you.

Dumbbell Triceps Kickback

This exercise also requires a pair of dumbbells. Start by holding one in each of your hands, and the palms faced inward towards your body. 

Your feet should be hip-width and have a small bend at your knees. Bend to the front from your hips in such a way that you have the floor parallel to your torso. 

The next step is to bend the elbows and bring the dumbbells to your chest level. Extend the elbows back while making sure they remain close to both sides of your body. 

The final step is to bend the elbows and return to the position you started. This is only one rep, and you can do this exercise for 40 seconds.

Resistance Band Triceps Kickback

This exercise also requires a resistance band. The following steps are, again, for only one rep, and you have to repeat the exercise for 40 seconds. 

The first step is to stand in the middle of the resistance band with your feet at hip-width apart. Hold one end on each hand with the palms facing in, while slightly bending your knees. 

Next, lean forward in such a way that the torso is parallel to the floor. 

The second step is to bend the elbows and come with the resistance band to each side of the chest.

 Keep the shoulders still as much as you can. Extend the elbows behind your back and ensure the arms are in close contact with each side of the body. 

The final step is to bend the elbows in such a way that you return to the starting position, allowing you to redo the exercise with ease.


These 4 exercises represent the basic ones that you can do at home with ease. They do not require special equipment yet have an outstanding outcome when done properly and consistently. 

You can increase the time that you do them and also use heavier dumbbells or stronger resistance bands if you think they are too easy. This is the perfect moment to tone your arms and have your dream body!