Back Workouts You Can Try at Home

Contrary to popular belief, a strong back does not mean you have to hit the gym and use a pull-up bar or a cable machine. 

While it definitely helps, you can also improve your back muscles at home and without any equipment at your disposal. 


Below you will find the best exercises that will work your back and help you achieve the best results in the least amount of time while at home. All of them should have the maximum effect if done for 50 seconds with a 10 seconds break between them.

Dolphin Kicks

To start this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach on a bench if available or another elevated surface. The hip needs to be on the edge of that elevated surface. 

Straighten the legs and, by squeezing the glutes, also engage the abs. Lift the legs to the highest point possible and keep them up and straight. 


Next, slowly lower them while in full control just under your hips. This is one rep, and you need to repeat it for approximately 50 seconds. This exercise will work your lower back and hip muscles.


This exercise starts by lying face down on your floor. Hold the arms by your ears long and straight. The legs need to be straight behind, and ankles should touch. 

After taking the position and you are ready to start, you need to lift the arms and shoulder from the floor while also lifting the legs that are kept straight. 


You only lift up a couple of inches above the floor and make sure you are squeezing the glutes, abs, back, and arms, so you lift to the maximum point. 

Let your legs and arms slowly down in such a way that they hover just a little bit above the ground. This is one rep; repeat for 50 seconds.

Scapular push-ups

This exercise is a variation of the traditional push-up

Start by placing yourself in the regular push-up position. Keep the hands at shoulder width distance and your back as straight as possible and prepare to start the move. 

When you feel confident to start, maintain the arms straight while squeezing the shoulder blades apart and together. 

This movement might seem small, but when done correctly, you can notice a small amount of movement in the shoulder area. This exercise is mainly for your shoulder, core, and lats, and you should do it for 50 seconds as well. 

Good Mornings

This exercise can also be performed with a barbell, but it is not required. The exercise is very good for your hips, legs, and back

To begin the exercise, you need to stand and have approximately one foot between the hip and shoulder-width distance. 

The knees need to be bent slightly, and the back held as flat as possible since you are going to lean forward and initiate the move

Slowly push the hips until the torso is almost parallel to the floor, then push the hips to the front. That completes one rep. Just like the other exercises, do it for 50 seconds.

Atomic burpees

The atomic burpee is a variation of the classical burpee.

You start it by being on your back while keeping the legs out in front and on the ground. 

Place the hands behind the head and start by doing a sit-up. 

After doing the sit-up and when fully raised to the top, jump straight up. Jump back into the push-up position and complete it, with your feet back to squatting position. 

Finally, jump straight up and finish the burpee. This is one rep, and you need to get back down into a traditional sit-up position in order to keep it going. 

It is one of the best exercises to work your core and shoulder, quads, chest, and lats.


Here you have 5 of the best exercises for your back. These exercises can be done at home and in less than 10 minutes but have an amazing result. 

Without any equipment needed or prior knowledge of gym and exercises, you can easily do them. This is the ideal moment to start working for a defined back!