Best Supplements and Vitamins to Slow Aging

One thing everyone likes to slow down is aging. Aging is mainly caused by telomeres, which are located in chromosomes and free radicals

Aging is inescapable, but scientific research shows that you can slow down the aging process. Scientists have discovered a few substances that can decelerate the process of aging. 


In this article, you can read about the best supplements and vitamins that can help slow down the aging process. 


Collagen is the most essential element to preserve your youth. It helps maintain the structure of your skin. With aging, the production of collagen slows down, resulting in wrinkles and older-looking skin. 

There is various research that shows promising results of taking collagen supplements. According to a study in 2019, 72 women took collagen supplements for three months. The outcome was better skin, improved elasticity, and decreased roughness. 


It has also been found that collagen production decreases eye wrinkles. Furthermore, the research subjects had increased collagen levels in their skin. 

Collagen supplements are widely available in various forms, including capsules and powders. Discuss with your dermatologist and decide the best supplement for you. 

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q10 is naturally produced by the human body to protect cells and produce energy. The production of antioxidants reduces as you age, resulting in a more rapid aging process. If you can maintain the level of CoQ10, you can reduce the aging impact. 


A study was conducted on 443 aged individuals to understand the impact of the antioxidant. They were given CoQ10 supplements over a period of four years. 

The study concluded that they visited hospitals fewer times and had better health compared to people who didn’t take supplements. Furthermore, their mental and physical performance was improved

Coenzyme Q10 decreases oxidative stress, which is responsible for age-related disease and accelerating aging. It shows positive results in reducing the signs of aging. Before you try it, make sure you visit your healthcare provider. 

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

EGCG provides numerous benefits, including the slowing down of the aging process. It is available in green tea. Apart from aging benefits, it decreases the risk of heart disease and various types of cancer. 

This polyphenol compound offers protection against age-related problems. It also restores mitochondrial functionality in cells that are involved in the process of aging. Furthermore, it activates autophagy, which removes defective cells. 

A study on green tea revealed that it protects against wrinkles and skin aging. A regular intake of green tea reduces the risk of diabetes, stroke, and other heart-related diseases

You can consume EGCG by taking green tea, or you can buy EGCG supplements. They are highly recommended for everyone regardless of age. 


Curcumin features very powerful anti-aging properties. It is derived from turmeric. When you become old, the cell division becomes slower. It is believed that this contributes to the aging process. 

Curcumin features various proteins that slow down this process, resulting in a slower aging process. Furthermore, the compound fights against cellular damage. An animal study found that curcumin can increase the lifespan of humans. 

When it comes to age-related health issues, curcumin is your best companion. It reduces age-related issues and symptoms, as well. Turmeric intake reduces the impact of mental decline due to overage. 

How do you add curcumin to your diet? Use turmeric in your meals. Alternatively, you can get some curcumin supplements and take them regularly. 

Vitamin C

When it comes to vitamins that affect your aging process, vitamin C plays the most important role. It repairs the cells, regenerates tissues, and protects the skin

Vitamin C protects from free radicals and reduces aging and heart issues. Vitamin C is available in a lot of foods, including berries, green peppers, and oranges. However, if you can’t naturally find this vitamin, you can get it through supplements. 

Vitamin C also helps preserve your youthful skin. With less collagen available in the skin, vitamin C can protect the elasticity of the skin. 


Luckily, we are living in a scientific world where many essential compounds and vitamins have been identified to solve health issues. 

Aging is an inevitable process. However, you can slow it down by taking the right supplements.