Mattress Disposal - Learn the Proper Methods

An old mattress requires a proper send-off if you want to avoid hefty fines and penalties. Because recycling is the responsibility of homeowners, proper disposal is a must. In the United States, there are a number of ways to dispose of a mattress legally and it can also be in the form of donating or selling. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, particularly in the United Kingdom, people need to hire bulky waste service to get rid of the used bed. Reusing, donating, and selling are also options for getting rid of the mattress. 


Need to dump an old, filthy mattress? Make sure to follow the protocols set by the authorities to dispose of it properly. Read on to know the different ways to get rid of a used mattress. 

When to Get Rid of Used Mattress

Some people need to get rid of a used mattress because of wear and tear, sagging, smell, dirt, or infestation. Although it takes years before the material deteriorates, factors such as lifespan contribute to the foam getting damaged. 

According to the Sleep Foundation, the typical lifespan of a mattress is eight years. Others tend to last longer, like latex mattresses and memory foam, which have a lifespan of up to 15 years. This is only possible if you use the material with care and if the material is heavy-duty. 


One of the obvious signs of replacing an old mattress is mold, smell, and dirt. If cleaning doesn’t do anything, then it is surely time to let go. Additionally, when the foam feels uncomfortable and may not provide the same level of comfort as before, then you should buy a new one. 

Ways to Dispose of a Mattress

Aside from recycling, there are other ways to get rid of the bulky mattress out of your home. Here are some ways you can try. 

Request a Pick Up from Retailers

If you are going to buy a new one, you can contact the retailer and ask if they can pick up the used mattress and provide a disposal service. These things are usually part of the purchase price or usually come with a small charge. 


Call the Local Sanitation Department

Not sure how you can get rid of the used bed? The safest way to do is call the local municipality and ask for help in picking up larger items like the mattress. The sanitation department or garbage collector can do the job for you. 

Donate the Mattress

To help those in need, you can simply donate the mattress to different organizations like Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity, or Furniture Bank Association of America. These organizations sell donated items to raise funds and help those in need. 

Hire Bulky Waste Service 

Contact a bulky waste service provider to dispose of large household items like mattresses. In the United Kingdom, you can reach out to Hackney, Lambeth, and Hounslow for the waste collection. The cost is usually Â£35 or above, depending on the service provider and the size of the mattress. 

In the United States, you can contact service providers like Republic Services, WM, and Meridian Waste to get rid of the old mattress. 

The Bottom Line

Disposing of old mattresses is easy now that there are waste collection services are available for homeowners. Choose from the mentioned ways to get rid of the material. If you’re donating, make sure the mattress is not infested or in a bad shape.