Sustainable Tourism - What It Is and How to Get Involved

Traveling, and tourism in general, is one of the greatest industries in many local and international communities. It allows tourists to experience the culture and see the sights in a given location, while also supporting the economy of the local community. 

However, it is important to remember that visitors have the responsibility to maximize the learning and awareness impact on themselves while minimizing their negative effects on the community. 


To do this, you want to make sure to practice sustainable tourism. Read on to know more about this practice.

What is Sustainable Tourism?

As a visitor, the first thing you need to know about this concept is that you need to be informed and pro-active about participating in the community. You want to make sure to offer something positive to the locality in terms of its economy, society, culture, environment, and resources.

Tourists should always be aware of their actions as it impacts the aforementioned aspects of the place. You must also take the necessary steps to ensure that you leave little to no negative traces behind.


On the part of the community and its leadership, sustainability in tourism means that they must take care of the place’s economic, social, cultural, ecological, and resource-related factors. They are also responsible for the fulfillment of tourists and must ensure positive takeaways. 

How to Participate in Sustainable Tourism

You can participate in this concept as a visitor or as part of the community. If you are wondering about the best ways to get involved, check out this list.

Leave No Trace Behind

As a visitor, the best thing you can do is try to minimize your traces within the community. This means that you should avoid doing damages such as vandalism and destruction of property. This applies in any setting, whether in an urban or rural one.


Moreover, you want to make sure that you dispose of your trash properly. Make it a point to keep pieces of garbage in your pocket or bag until you find a bin where you can throw it away. See to it that you observe waste segregation rules.

Support Local Businesses

When you visit a locality, you want to make sure that you transact with local businesses. Try dining at a mom and pop café instead of the big, multinational coffee chain. You might also want to consider purchasing hand-made crafts instead of mass-produced souvenirs.

These not only help stimulate the economy for business owners, but it also offers you a chance to try out local culture, cuisine, and products while letting you support local businesses.

Uphold Your Culture

As a part of the community, one of the things you can do is to uphold your culture. Remember, part of sustainable tourism, when it comes to the locality, is to offer a satisfying visit to tourists. You can do this by participating in cultural development programs and promoting local goods.

The Bottom Line

Travel is definitely one of the best ways to experience what other cultures and places have to offer. To ensure that your travel is a positive thing for you and the community, make sure that you practice sustainable tourism.