How much Joe Biden spent for his campaign ads so far

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How much has Joe Biden spent for his campaign ads so far? Advertising Analytics says it has already broken the $500 million mark.

The figure applies to TV, digital and radio ads since the beginning of the year. It also covers what Biden spent in his nomination fight in the Democratic primaries.


After winning the nomination, Biden’s campaign has started spending for target voters through ad buys in crucial states such as Iowa, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Texas.

On the other hand, Trump's spending was focused on Florida, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina.

Biden campaign ads for TV cost $95 million since early September while Trump has gone dark and released $41 million, according to the Wesleyan Media Project.


The candidates are also competing on their Facebook ad spending: They are almost tied in investing into social media networks this month. Each reported over $5 million on Facebook ads throughout the week.

The presidential and congressional elections in the 2020 cycle are expected to reach $10.8 billion. A Real Clear Politics polling average revealed that Biden is ahead of Trump by under 10 points.

The first presidential debate of Biden and Trump was described by CNN as a “deep disservice to democracy" due to the insults and interruptions that transpired.


When Wallace asked Trump about having not replaced the Affordable Care Act with another program, Trump questioned the host’s line of questioning. Wallace asked Trump to let him finish.

However, after a few moments of cross-talk, Trump said, “I guess I’m debating you, not him.”

Wallace had to ask Trump and Biden to maintain order during the debate. “Your campaign agreed that both sides would get two-minute answers,” Wallace addressed Trump late in the debate.

Taylor Swift endorses Joe Biden

Biden has received support from pop star Taylor Swift. Through her Instagram and Twitter accounts, the "Lover" singer endorsed Joe Biden for president and his running mate Senator Kamala Harris in the 2020 election.

The Grammy-award winning singer-songwriter shared a photo of herself holding a plate of cookies with “Bidden Harris 2020” written on them as well as her cover for V Magazine’s “The Thought Leaders issue.” She also discussed her endorsement in the magazine.

Swift’s announcement came hours before the vice-presidential debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Harris.

“I spoke to @vmagazine about why I’ll be voting for Joe Biden for president,” she wrote on social media. “So apt that it’s come out on the night of the VP debate. Gonna be watching and supporting @KamalaHarris by yelling at the tv a lot. And I also have custom cookies.”

“The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included,” Swift said in her piece for V Magazine.

She also mentioned the significance of “a government that takes global health risks seriously and puts the lives of its people first.” Swift said, “the only way we can begin to make things better is to choose leaders who are willing to face these issues and find ways to work through them.”

Swift announced that she will “proudly vote” for Biden and Harris. “Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs,” Swift said.