Saturday, 18 May, 2024

Organ transplantation plunged by 51.1% amid coronavirus pandemic

The number of organ transplantation plunged by 51.1% amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new study published in The Lancet. New research highlights the...
scientists remdesivir

Can remdesivir from Gilead Sciences end the coronavirus pandemic?

Can remdesivir from Gilead Sciences end the coronavirus pandemic? Gilead Sciences reported that at least 50% of patients improved in their clinical trial. The American...

How many times does mansplaining happen to the average woman?

New research shows that mansplaining happens six times a week at work to the average woman. This is equivalent to 312 times a year. A...
feeding wildlife

Is the practice of feeding wildlife safe to animal communities?

Feeding wildlife could have a negative effect on animals, according to a team of researchers from the University of Georgia and San Diego State...

Trump administration announces $750 million vaccine deal with Abbott

The Trump administration will announce a $750 million vaccine deal with Abbott for the purchase of 150 million rapid coronavirus tests. The vaccine deal with...

Russia coronavirus vaccine could be in use by November

The Russia coronavirus vaccine could be in use by November. Its full-scale production will start in September, according to RDIF. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced...

Coronavirus vaccines: 40 countries pledge donation for research

In search for coronavirus vaccines, 40 countries and donors pledged donations for the development as well as for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. In...

New study shows what happens when parents hug their babies

When parents hug their babies, their children experience greater heart rate slowing, according to a study published in the journal iScience. The researchers investigated the heart...
earthworms global atlas

First global atlas of earthworms created by researchers

Researchers have created the first global atlas of earthworms using information based on surveys at 7,000 sites in 56 countries. The global atlas of earthworms...

New study: High blood pressure drugs can reduce Covid-19 mortality

High blood pressure drugs can reduce Covid-19 mortality, according to a new study. Findings eased concerns that those drugs can worsen Covid-19. Drugs taken to...