Trudeau & Liberal Party win but lose majority in Canada election

Justin Trudeau Liberal Party election Canada
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party have achieved a narrow win in the election in Canada but will have a minority government.

With the win in the election, Trudeau will enter his second term as prime minister of Canada with the Liberal Party projected to win 157 seats, 13 seats short of a majority. This will make it more difficult for the prime minister to pass legislation.


The opposition Conservative Party are forecast to win the popular vote but failed to translate that into seats, with the party only projected to take 121 seats, up from the previous 95 it held in the previous term.

Meanwhile, the left-leaning New Democratic Party (NDP) are expected to lose seats, with the party only expected to win 24 seats out of the 338-seat parliament. However, the NDP's leader Jagmeet Singh could become the kingmaker in this term.

The Bloc Québécois, Quebec's separatist party, which is only popular in the province, is projected to increase its seats from 10 in 2015 to 32 seats this term.


The election turnout is currently at 66%. The results of the federal election is seen as a reflection of the bumpy first term of Trudeau and the scandals that tainted his leadership.

Speaking to supporters in Montreal, Trudeau said that voters had "rejected division and negativity... and they rejected cuts and austerity and voted in favour of a progressive agenda and strong action on climate change". He added: "Thank you for having faith in us to move our country in the right direction."

In his first term, Trudeau faced criticism on several issues, including his support for the Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project, which undermined his environmental record. He also angered some left-leaning supporters after he abandoned his plan to implement federal electoral reform.


However, an independent assessment by two dozen Canadian academics said that Trudeau has kept, fully or partially, 92% of his promises during the first campaign, the most by any Canadian government in 35 years.